ARREDS, Participates in Agri Tech expo, Tanzania, SA.

ARREDS is a Corporate Business Correspondent and Agritech.
Business Correspondents are retail agents who represent banks and are responsible for delivering banking services at locations other than a bank branch/ATM.
BCs support banks in providing its limited range of banking services at affordable cost. Thus, they are pivotal in promoting financial inclusion. According to the RBI’s mandate, the products offered by BCs include Small Savings Accounts, Fixed Deposit and Recurring Deposit with low minimum deposits, Remittance to any BC customer, Micro Credit and General Insurance.
The BC model helps banks in bringing door-step delivery of services especially ‘cash in – cash out’ transactions in areas which are to nearer to the rural population, thus resolving the issue of last-mile delivery.
Connecting Farmers to Banks : Agritech Start-ups are helping to achieve financial solutions
It is possible to improve farmer access to markets and farm economics, without tweaking the regulatory framework—with Agri fintech.
Approximately 30% farmers have access to institutional credit and balance 70% remain dependent on informal credit.
Bankers are wary of lending to farmers and other value chain players primarily because of lack of data, market linkages, high transactional cost of lending as well as recovery, along with unpredictable loan waivers by the state governments.
Agritech works with farmers and cooperatives to provide the best quality of commodities for international trading market.
Our network of local farmers allows us to provide a broad spectrum of crops.
We mainly focus on :

Farming Technologies

Harvesting Technologies

Sorting & Packaging

Quality Storage

Quality Control & Tracking
- Land development
- Minor, micro irrigation and drip irrigation
- Water saving and water conservation devices
- Dairy
- Poultry
- Beekeeping
- Sericulture
- Fisheries
- Animal husbandry
- Loans to Self Help Groups / Joint Liability Groups / Rythu Mitra Groups
- Dry land farming
- Contract farming
- Plantation & horticulture
- Agro-forestry
- Seed production
- Tissue culture plant production
- Loans to corporate farmers, farmers’ producer organizations/companies of individual farmers, partnership firms and co-operatives of farmers directly engaged in Agriculture and Allied Activities. (up to an aggregate limit of 2 crore per recipient)
- Agriculture implements
- Production of high value exotic vegetables, cut flowers under controlled conditions i.e.poly house / green house,
- Establishment of Hi-tech export-oriented production like mushroom, tissue culture labs,precision farming for enhancement of productivity in vegetables and fruits
- MSME for both manufacturing and service, that creates employment in rural areas
- Agri Clinics and Agri Business centres
- Rural housing
- Agro-processing
- Soil conservation and watershed development.
- Agri-marketing infrastructure (including cold storage, warehouse, godowns, market
yards, silos etc.) irrespective of their location - non-conventional energy sources,
- Financing in areas of watershed & tribal development programmes already
implemented. - Plant tissue culture and agri-biotechnology, seed production, production of bio-
pesticides, bio-fertilizer, and vermi-composting - Bank loans to Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS), Farmers’ Service Societies
(FSS) and Large-sized Adivasi Multipurpose Societies (LAMPS) for on-lending to
agriculture. - Loans sanctioned by banks to MFIs for on-lending to agriculture sector
- KVI (Khadi Village Industries)
- Rural Schools, health care facility, drinking water facility, sanitation facility and other Social infrastructure in Rural areas
- Renewable energy like solar-based power generators, biomass-based power
generators, windmills, micro-hydel plants and for non-conventional energy based
utilities viz. street lighting systems, and remote village electrification - Area development schemes and any other activities not mentioned above may covered if it facilitates the promotion of agriculture and rural development.